toIn "Introduction to International Relations," Dr. Zahid Yaseen offers a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic field of international relations, providing students with a solid foundation in understanding the complexities of...
"Islamic Political Thought: An Introduction" by Gerhard Bowering delves into the intricate intersection of Islam and politics, offering a comprehensive exploration of the rich tapestry of ideas that have shaped...
New Millennium Introduction to Pakistan Studies 12th O Level by Muhammad Ikram Rabbani is a comprehensive textbook designed specifically for O Level students studying Pakistan Studies. This edition provides a...
Political Ideologies: An Introduction, 7th Edition by Andrew Heywood continues as a definitive text for exploring the world of political ideas, theories, and movements. This updated edition expands on Heywood's...
"Public Administration: An Introduction 3rd Edition" by Marc Holzer and Richard W. Schwester offers a comprehensive exploration of the field, providing readers with a solid foundation in the principles and...